WP_TEMP_LINK_box/files/credimus_ii_2024_web.pdfAbout this journal
Credimus is a theological, socioreligious, and culture-historical journal of the Luther Academy. The mission of Credimus is to gradually develop an authentic Christian worldview capable of meaningfully addressing our time. This is a collection of scientific articles from the Luther Academy and it’s collaborative partners, contributing to the development of theological thought within the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (ELCL) and the wider society since its founding in 2022.
The scientific editor of the journal is Dr. theol. Guntis Kalme.
Editorial board:
Dr. theol. Guntis Kalme (Luther Academy),
Dr. theol. Uģis Sildegs (Luther Academy),
Dr. theol. Jouko Talonen (University of Helsinki),
Dr. theol. Thomas Appelquist (Karlstad University),
Dr. theol. Daniel Johansson (Gothenburg School of Lutheran Theology),
Dr. cand. theol. Laila Čakare (Luther Academy).
Literary editor: Dr. philol. Ieva Kalniņa.
Designer and layout artist: Arnis Grinbergs.
Instant online access is available for this journal..
Credimus I  CredimusII


Lecture schedule 2024/2025 
Spring semester šeit>


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