Luther Academy has obtained accreditation for its study field for 6 years

The accreditation process of Luther Academy, which lasted for more than a year, has been completed. By the decision of the Study Quality Commission of February 7, 2024, the study field "Religion and Theology" implemented at Luther Academy has been accredited for 6 years.

After the previous accreditation, the study field "Religion and Theology" implemented at Luther Academy was accredited until June 11, 2019, but in accordance with Paragraph 48 of the Transitional Provisions of the Law on Higher Education Institutions, the accreditation period was extended until December 31, 2023. Consequently, in the 2022/2023 academic year, the LA management, academic and administrative staff, teaching staff and students invested a lot of effort in the preparation and implementation of the accreditation.

The accreditation process in Latvian higher education institutions takes place in accordance with the Cabinet Regulation No. 793 adopted December 11, 2018 "Regulations Regarding Opening and Accreditation of Study Fields" and consists of 2 stages - evaluation (6 months) and decision-making (4 months).

In the first stage - on February 8, 2023 Luther Academy submitted the prepared Self-Assessment Report and the accompanying documents to Quality Agency for Higher Education (AIKA) e-platform. This was followed by submission of additions and comments, a 2-day visit to the Academy by an international expert group, expert opinion, explanations by Luther Academy and answers to expert questions. The experts assessed the strengths of Luther Academy and pointed out short-term (deficiency elimination) and long-term (improvement) recommendations.

According to experts, the strengths of Luther Academy are:
 -   The management system is professional and transparent; 
- The study programme has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the study field. All program parameters are interconnected.
- The competence of the academic staff is higher than the requirements of Latvian regulatory enactments; 
-   Innovations in study methods and ICT solutions, effective use of teaching methods that engage students; 
- A small number of students in groups promotes direct and engaging interaction between students and lecturers; 
- Attention is paid to students' research activities; 
- Feedback mechanisms are systematically provided; 
- The founder of Luther Academy – The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia shows a very great interest in the future of the higher institution; ‌
- Luther Academy has a very extensive library with specific theological topics; 
‌- Luther Academy has created a wide cooperation network with accredited theological institutions in Latvia, promoting the exchange of teaching staff and joint participation in conferences;
-  Comprehensive strategic planning: the higher institution’s long-term development strategy for 2021-2025 is in line with the recommendations of experts, clearly addresses key areas, including quality management, resource allocation and cooperation;  
‌- The necessary premises at Luther Academy are well equipped to meet the needs of students and teaching staff in the study process. 

In the recommendations, the experts indicate that it is necessary to: ‌
- increase the proportion of faculty with a doctoral degree; ‌
- increase the number of publications in international databases;
- achieve the inclusion of the LA scientific publication CREDIMUS in an internationally recognized database; ‌
- increase the number of academic staff in the position of professor in the implementation of the study programme. ‌

In the second stage – Luther Academy provided additional explanations to the Quality Agency for Higher Education questions. Finally, on February 7, 2024, the Academy's Deputy Rector Rinalds Grants and the Vice-Rector for Studies Helēna Andersone participated in the Study Quality Commission meeting, which, taking into account the joint opinion of the expert group and the documents submitted by the higher institution, made a decision to accredit for six years (until February 8, 2030) the study direction "Religion and Theology" implemented by the Academy and to evaluate the corresponding academic bachelor's study programme "Theology" with the rating "good".
We thank God for the grace and blessing given, we thank the management, teaching staff and student family of Luther Academy - for the job well done and from the heart. Thanks to everyone who prayed and continues to pray for the future work and development of Luther Academy. 


LEKCIJU PLĀNS 2023./2024.akad.gada Rudens semetrim šeit>


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