LA Student Council

What is LA Student Council?

Luther Academy Student Council (LA SC) is an elected, independent and democratic institution established by Luther Academy for the purpose of defending the rights of students and their interests.


Mission and Vision of the Student Council

The mission of the Student Council is: to defend and represent the interests of LA students as to their academic, material, cultural and Christian faith issues at the Academy and other institutions. 

The vision of the Student Council is: to create an environment in which the student can successfully implement oneself both in the study process and social life. LA SC vision supposes that there will be a day when all the processes implemented at Luther Academy and the results achieved will be in line with the interests of every LA student.


What does the Student Council do?
  • organizes and coordinates extracurricular activities of students;
  • finds out the needs, interests and desires of students for the improvement of the study and research process and makes proposals for the implementation of improvements;
  • informs students about the work and activities of the Student Council;
  • promotes students' Christian lifestyle and participation in the life of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia;
  • represents the interests of students in negotiations with the management and academic staff of the Academy;
  • promotes the quality of the study process;
  • discusses and adopts recommendations on matters relating to the academic, material and spiritual life of the students of the Academy (including student Divine Services and devotions), everyday life and fellowship of the students of the Academy;
  • cooperates with Student Councils of other higher education institutions, municipality and state institutions, public organizations and congregations;
  • represents students of the Academy in Latvia and abroad;
  • develops proposals for the improvement of the internal regulatory enactments of the Academy;
  • provides opinions on issues affecting the rights, obligations and interests of students;
  • provides advice to students on issues related to their rights, obligations and interests. 

Structure and members

Students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of studies at the Academy nominate two representatives for the Student Council (from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of studies - a total of 6 representatives) for a period of two years. The representatives shall communicate decisions of the Students Council to the rest of the students of their year of studies.

Miķelis Dāvids Rikveilis
Representative of students in Academy Senate and LA Constitution Assembly

Artūrs Dimitrijevs
‌Deputy chairman

Sandra Kokina
‌Representative of students in LA Constitution Assembly

Andis Grīnbergs
Representative of students in Academy Senate 

Mārtiņš Muižnieks
Member of the Student Council
guntis lielp
Guntis Lielpēteris
‌Member of the Student Council



2025. gada 17. janvāris
Vārda dienas: Tenis, Dravis

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