Learning to accompany
From January 29 to February 2 the ELCL Retreat Center in Mazirbe hosted the training course "Calling”, where Luther Academy students had the opportunity to learn the basics of spiritual accompaniment.
Spiritual accompaniment as a form of ministry has been known in Latvia for about ten years, and spiritual accompaniment training courses (I and II) are held annually. More than 30 people from those who have completed the training, regularly or occasionally serve as spiritual companions to retreat participants and in their own congregations.
The training course “Calling” was created to give students the opportunity to get acquainted with the spiritual accompaniment in practice. Before considering to take up the time-consuming and quite demanding studies, and to embark on the path of spiritual accompaniment, it is worth understanding for yourself – is this also your calling?
This was the second “Calling” course specifically designated for the students of Luther Academy; the first took place in 2022. The participants were nine students from various years of studies and programs. The accompaniment course was led by Deans Elijs Godiņš and Kārlis Irbe, and Bishop Rinalds Grants.
The course was truly intense – it consisted of guided prayers, lectures, demonstrations (“Aquariums”), trainings in triads, receiving strict and constructive instructions from mentors, individual conversations with spiritual directors, evening services in the chapel and a daily examen. The students practiced various types of prayer, which was useful since the theological studies put to use more logical mind than imagination and heart. The participants had practically no free time – just enough to enjoy the delicious meals. Of course, the future theologians still found time for passionate discussions on fundamental theological issues – at the expense of a good night’s sleep. Waking up the next morning was not easy, but no concessions were given: the classes began exactly on time.
“Spiritual companions can serve both in retreats and by helping brothers and sisters in their congregations grow in their relationship with God. In order not to stray and lose zeal along the spiritual path, it is valuable to have someone who accompanies you. However, to become a spiritual companion, one often has to start by learning to listen. God has given us two ears and one mouth – so that we listen more than we speak ourselves, however a good listener is harder to find than a good speaker”, says Bishop Rinalds Grants.
Raimonds Blisiņš, 2nd year student of the program “Theology” says, “This was my first experience of this kind and it is not easy to put it in words. It was like a great gift, strengthening and helping, when together with my companion I was able to formulate my experience with God and later discuss it all with my curator. By all means, I wish to share this ministry with others.”
At the end of the training course, participants evaluated themselves and also received recommendations from the curators for the future. Benefited all, also those who would later choose other forms of ministry. Both because they have seen in practice what a spiritual companion does and will be able to recommend it upon need, and because this experience definitely helped them improve their own relationship with God.
Photo gallery from the training course here>