MEMORANDUM of Cooperation with the European Christian Academy signed

On 20 February, 2023 the Memorandum of Cooperation between Luther Academy and the European Christian Academy was signed.

The Memorandum was signed by the Rector of Luther Academy, Archbishop of ELCL Jānis Vanags and the Rector of the European Christian Academy Prof. Skaidrīte Gūtmane. The ceremony was attended by LA Deputy Rector Bishop Rinalds Grants and LA Vice-Rector for Studies Helēna Andersone as well as individual members of the Senate of the Christian Academy. The Memorandum of Cooperation provides the integration of theological education into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and various academic activities through the implementation of formal and informal higher education guidelines for education and scientific research.

In the field of theology, Luther Academy is based on the Christian faith, as it is revealed in the Lutheran tradition, while the European Christian Academy is based in the continuity of Judeo-Christian anthropological revelation as it is revealed In the tradition of the Orthodox Church.

Students of both higher education institutions, in coordination with the Study Department of the institution, can listen to the study courses they are interested in at the partner institution, for which they receive a certificate certifying credit points. The two higher education institutions agreed that they will mutually recognize the credit points of the study courses in the study programmes of each institution.

The Memorandum provides the possibility of creating joint study programmes, as well as inviting the partner higher education institution to be a participant in research projects, for which separate cooperation agreements are to be concluded.

This Memorandum will serve as a consortium model within the Erasmus+ programme of the European University Charter between higher education institutions.

Both institutions agree on the need to jointly create an open, neutral discussion and educational platform for people interested in traditions and topicalities of theological and anthropological thought.

Within the framework of cooperation there is an opportunity to organize joint international scientific conferences, research and study programmes, exhibitions and publications.

The partners of the Memorandum are based on the Code of Academic Honesty and Integrity, the basis of which is defined in the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ (Matthew 5-7). Academic honesty towards each other partner manifests itself in studies, research, lecture work, study works and in the fulfillment of all duties related to the higher education institution.

2024. gada 22. oktobris
Vārda dienas: Īrisa, Irīda

LEKCIJU PLĀNS 2023./2024.akad.gada Rudens semetrim šeit>


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