Opening of the collection of works published in Latvian by the first rector of the Luther Academy, Dr. theol. Reinhard Slenczka

Collection of works by dr. theol. Reinhard Slenczka "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path / Ps. 119:105/" makes the reader acquainted with the works of R.Slenczka already translated into Latvian, but not yet published.

The division of the collection is thematic, allowing the reader to get acquainted with various aspects of R. Slenczka's theological work. In it, an experienced pastor and theologian will have something to repeat and a student of theology and parishioners without prior knowledge of theology will have something to discover. In addition, the depth of understanding of academic and church work in the writings of this author has not diminished the confidence of the child of God and the directness of the witness of Christ's message, which will strengthen the faith of Lutherans and other Christians in so many topical issues. However, a more complete understanding of the work and contribution of the first rector of the Luther Academy is possible only by paying due attention to all the articles collected here, which will hopefully serve as a stimulus to get to know works by R. Slenczka in other languages, mainly in the professor's own native German.

The life of Reinhard Slenczka, whose biography can be found in the collection, in the midst of such a changing and insecure post-Christian society, is an unequivocal Christian testimony, the most visible fruits of which are the married life blessed by God for more than half a century, four sons, two of whom have continued the path of their father as a pastor and an academic worker, and a large group of fifteen granddaughters and grandsons, as well as more than 60 years of ministering to God in the pulpit and altar and at prestigious universities. All this and much more is combined in a man who, often introduced himself in Latvia by saying, "a retired man from Germany".

The opening of the book is marked by the founding of the Luther Academy 20 years ago and takes place within the Church History seminar series of the Luther Academy and the Lutheran Heritage Fund. 

A special treat on the day of the opening of the book - Saturday, 11 February, 2017 will be a reunion with Dr. Reinhard Slenczka and Gisela Slenczka. 

10:00 Devotion

10:20 Opening of the Dr. theol. Reinhard Slenczka collection of works "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path / Ps. 119:105/"  

Dr. Voldemārs Lauciņš,  compiler of the book, “Creation and Significance of R.Slencka's latest book in Latvian 

10:40 D.D. Jānis Vanags, Archbishop of ELCL and LA rector, “Luther Academy in Twenty Years

11:00 Prof. Reinhard Slenczka, the first rector pf Luther Academy (1997–2005)

11:30 Dr. Jouko Talonen, “The Theological Institute and the Theological Department of the Herder Institute ”

12:00 Fellowship

Venue: Luther Academy Hall, Alksnaja street 3, Riga. For more information: (371) 29128655.

Everyone most welcome!


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