Opening of the memorial exposition of Professor Roberts Akmentiņš

Pastor Dr. Roberts Akmentiņš (27 January, 1910 – 20 May, 1994) is one of the most prominent pastors of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia in the last century. Celebrating the 110th birthday of Roberts Akmentiņš, on Monday, 27 January at 7:00 p.m., a memorial exhibition dedicated to R.Akmentiņš will be opened in the auditorium named after him at the Luther Academy.

Teacher of religion, pastor, dean, rector of the Theological Seminary and dean of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Latvia - these were both steps in the development of the personality of Roberts Akmentiņš and his path as a servant of the Church.

Dr. Roberts Akmentiņš not only educated the next generation of pastors, but also defended them from the persecution of the totalitarian government. He was a patriot of his Church, people and country.

  • Born in Grundzāle parish, Smiltene district. 
  • In 1929 graduated from the Gaujiena gymnasium and was confirmed in the Gaujiena congregation.
  • From 1929 to 1934, studied at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Latvia, was the secretary of the student corporation “Betānija/Auseklis”, a member of the presidium. Final paper - "Jesus on the cross".
  • In 1935 studied at the Faculty of Philology and Philosophy. 
  • From 1934 to 1938, taught religion, history, logic and Latin at the Jēkabpils State Gymnasium, commercial school, and elementary school and founded the 940th regiment.
  • From 1938 to 1940 served in the 12th Bauska infantry regiment. 
  • On 11 April, 1940 received the degree of Licentiate of Theology at the Faculty of Theology for the work "The Religion of Augusts Saulietis".
  • In 1940, was active in the youth group Viesturieši of the resistance organization Tautas sargi, headed by Jēkabpils State Gymnasium teacher Osvalds Pūpols (1904–1941). Arrested in 1941.
  • During the German occupation, continued his work as a teacher, studied psychology at the Riga Institute of Pedagogical Psychology, and in 1943 and 1944 studied the history of philosophy and pedagogy at the Faculty of Theolog in the University of Riga.
  • In November 1944, was the actual chaplain of the Central Council of Latvia general Jānis Kurelis (1882–1954) group lieutenant Roberts Rubenis (1917–1944) battalion in the Kurzeme fortress.
  • On 11 April, 1945, ordained in Kuldīga St. Anna church by acting archbishop Alberts Virbulis (1890–1946). 
  • From 1945 to 1948, vicar in the Blīdene-Stūri congregation, from 1945 to 1949 in the Kursīši-Zvārde congregation.
  • From 1948 to 1950, pastor of Remte congregation, from 1948 to 1953 - Gaiķi and Grīvaiši congregations, from 1949 to 1982 – Lutriņi congregation.
  • From 1953 to 1982, pastor in the Saldus 1st congregation. He worked for 16 years at the nearby kolkhoz Druva.
  • From 1967 to 1983, dean of Kuldīga district.
  • From 1968 to 1979, a candidate for a member of the Consistory, from 1979 to 1988, a member of the Audit Commission of the Consistory, from 1988 to 1989 - its chairman.
  • From 1969 to 1987, a lecturer at the Theological Seminary, from 1980 professor and head of the Department of Systematic Religious Science and Philosophical Subjects.
  • In 1980, defended his doctor of theology thesis "The topicality of the basic problems of the world view of the writer Augusts Saulietis". 
  • From 1980 to 1987, the rector of the Theological Seminary of ELCL.
  • From 1987 to 1990, active in the ELCL pastors’ movement Atdzimšana un Atjaunošanās (Rebirth and Renewal).
  • In 1989, the 14th Synod of ELCL restored Dr. Roberts Akmentiņš in the position of the Rector of the Theological Seminary.
  • From 1990 to 1994, dean of the renewed Faculty of Theology at the University of Latvia, head of the Department of Systematic Theology.
  • In 1992, became an honorary member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 

In the life of our Church and theological education, he is a remarkable light, even more - light in the darkness. An impeccable person, whose life could not be shown or attributed any shadow. A positive character with great, deep responsibility towards his duties. Among the outstanding personalities that have undoubtedly existed in our Church, I would without hesitation mention Roberts Akmentiņš. /Dr. R.Feldmanis/



2024. gada 16. jūlijs
Vārda dienas: Hermīne, Estere

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