Events as we celebrate the Reformation Day

Celebrating the 502nd anniversary of the Reformation and highlighting the importance of St. Peter's Church in Riga as the cradle of the Reformation in the development of the Reformation, the Lutheran Heritage Foundation, Riga St. Peter's congregation and Luther Academy invite you to REFORMATION DAY events on 31 October.

6.00 p.m. unveiling the portrait of Martin Chemnitz at Riga St. Peter church

Martin Chemnitz (1522–1586) is referred to as the “little Martin” or “second Martin” in late medieval history, compared to Martin Luther (1483–1546). According to the German proverb of the 17th century -"If there wasn’t the second Martin, the first Martin would hardly have endured."

Martin Chemnitz is considered by many to be the theological genius of that era. He has collected and summarized the theological heritage of Martin Luther, participated in the compilation of the "Book of Concord" and has been the main co-author of Formula of Concord. M.Chemnitz is the systematiser of Martin Luther and Reformation theology and developer of normative theology, confessional ecumenist and unity bearer among Lutherans.

Project of M.Chemnitz’s portrait was carried out thanks to the support of the Association of Cultural Institutions of Riga Municipality, in cooperation with ELCL Riga St. Peter congregation.

Portrait author – painter Agata Muze

Artistic consultant – professor Roberts Muzis

6.40 p.m. “Why is the second Mārtiņš – Martin Chemnitz important for us?” /Dr. Guntis Kalme/at Luther Academy

7.00 p.m. Opening of Dr.theol. Edgars Rumba sermon collection “Christ-our peace”

Fellowship at Luther Academy

2024. gada 16. jūlijs
Vārda dienas: Hermīne, Estere

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