Opening of the memorial photo exhibition of Edgars Rumba at Luther Academy

Celebrating 115 years since the birth of the outstanding Latvian Lutheran theologian Reverend Dr. theol. Edgars Rumba, in the framework of the Church History Day, the “Professor Roberts Feldmanis Foundation" in cooperation with the Luther Academy is organizing the opening of E.Rumba’s memorial photo exhibition at 10:00 a.m. on June 1, in the auditorium named after him. The photo exhibition, which will remain in the auditorium from now on, will show E. Rumba's short but intense life, supplemented with quotes from his works.

The programme of the event on June 1 from 10:00 to 13:30: 

  • insights in the life course of Edgars Rumba "Pastor Dr.theol. Edgars Rumba (1904–1943), Witness of God in life and death", Mg.theol. Ilmārs Rubenis;
  • opening of the E.Rumba memorial exhibition;
  • presentation of the latest editions of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation;
  • presentation "Lutherans and the Cheka – The Last Cause of the Occupation, 1970s and 1980s", member of the KGB scientific research commission, attorney at law and lecturer of Rīga Stradiņš University Linards Muciņš;
  • discussions to be initiated by Professor Jouko Talonen.

EDGARS RUMBA - pastor and prisoner, theorist and practitioner, doctor of theology, proficient in ten languages, scholar, missionary, poet, pastoral counsellor, outstanding liturgist and homilist, professor, head of ELCL Brethren congregations, member of the Editorial board of Latviešu Konversācijas vārdnīca, translator, Member of the General Board of the Church, New Testament translator, ecumenist, Swedish national, but a patriot of Latvia. Spiritual father to ELCL Church Father Roberts Feldmanis.

Life (1904-1943)

Edgars Rumba was born in Lielvircava "Strazdiņi". In 1928 he graduated from Jelgava Real School in Pyatigorsk, in 1928 from the University of Latvia Faculty of Theology, in 1933 - Uppsala University (Theological Licensee degree). Ordained in Valmiera in 1929, serves as vicar in Jelgava Nikolai congregation, later acts as a pastor in the Riga Christ’s congregation, the Academic congregation and in the Swedish congregation. Since 1933 he has been working at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Latvia as an assistant professor, later – professor. In 1939 E.Rumba defends his doctoral dissertation. 14 June, 1941 with family (mother, wife Ida, 8-year-old son Ansgars and 7-month-old daughter Marija) arrested and exiled to a death camp in Siberia.


Edgars Rumba is one of the most prominent Latvian Lutheran theologians who, in the thirties of the last century, began to shape the theological tradition of our Church, which was later stopped by the occupation. The range of his service in the Church can only be admired: ecclesiology, outer mission, systematic theology, religious research, practical theology, ecumenism, brethren congregations and journalism. While highlighting and learning from our nation's notable writers, artists, politicians, we must not forget theologians and pastors. Rumba's ministry today forms a significant part of the spiritual heritage of the Church of Latvia, which is not outdated after 80 years. Moreover, today it can be used as an example of how much a person can belong to and serve his country and Church.


The end of Rumba's life confirms that he belonged to and served God and Latvia in his life and death. God made him testify to this with his life.

You may support the arrangement of the E.Rumba memorial photo exhibition with a donation:         

                  Professor Roberts Feldmanis Foundation                                           
                  Reg Nr. 40008178759                                                
                  Citadele bank                                 
                  Account No. LV43PARX0013132500001



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